hmm. in Joelle's words "haha haven't been here in 365465168469184949 years." or something like that. ok fine it's been about....*thinks hard**25-7=18**18 divided by 7 = 2.5 or something like that* ok so i haven't been here for around 2 1/2 weeks. ok that is long. but not as long as 365465168469184949 years. ok i'm blabbing. ignore this paragraph soon it was time for us to take to the back stage. and on came kink and gang. greg next to him. dom behind greg. paul behind kink. and they rocked. there's no other words to describe them. amazing. mamemo was amazing. breathtaking (dom was lagging, but no one noticed). so their shift ended. and then the breaking. our strong point was never the break part. especially when compared to the ventures. but we showed that we may not have a lot, but we're damn good with what we have. paul and dom were first. and their side freezes were great. they were practically identical when they did the freeze. then came on greg. with his crazy handstand. at least his shirt didn't show too much. and his headstand. and an attempt at an elbow freeze. then was maurice. his handspring. and his side-to-front freeze. and his nike. his strongest move. could have held it longer though (don't see jon wong's video. you won't like it). then came the tits brothers. le tits. and cheng tits. don't ask. six step. and side freeze. not as mirror image as paul and dom. but stronger. and then it was my turn. i didn't bother to think at this point. i just let my instincts take over. all that practice. came back to me. i just let go. and it worked. at this point in time all my self doubts were gone. all my focus was on the dance. my jump roll. i'd started parctising only a week before. it was perfect. better than perfect. then the back roll. not as good as i've done before, but i was happy with it. then the front freeze. another last minute edition. perfect. falling on my side. just as planned. then the adult freeze. then transition to elbow freeze. perfection. too bad my no hand kip-up wasn't that great. a bit messed up. then our star of the show. karkin. with his worm. and the biggest cheers from the audience. he's great. his bones are like liquid or something. freeze. minimill. kip up. freeze. kipup-freeze. after this was the stone period before we got 'shot'. there were gunshots in the song. where we all 'died' and fell. here came the lighting problem. but wasn't too significant. we dealt with it. (screw you peter siew.oops...). so our ending formations. not too bad. could have done better. little mistakes here and there. but the audience never noticed. and that's what matters. we pulled it off. then the ending combo. a bit screwed up. kink and greg doing freeze. me and maurice doing cheapo back flip with support from le tits, dom, paul and cheng tits. here i messed up a bit. i flipped too early. quite obvious. but nvm. it was the end of the song. none of the audience cared. so that's the story of our dance at encore. our final dance as the scouts. before we go to ventures. if anyone wants the video. ask me, kink or paul. but note that it'll take about an hour to send ok so today is the annual o lvl results holiday. and i'm spending it at home. alone. so this is what my life has become. to ineveitably rot away my life sitting at home staring at nothing in particular. and to do the occasional homework. that's one plus point of having a lot of time at home. i'm actually up to date with my homework. and i actually have time to study stuff like chem. my life is turning completely upside down. what's happening..... quick recap: friday was life science symposium. bloody waste of time if ever there was one. end up we all sat in the LT for most of the day. but on the plus side, get to leave class at 9.40. saturday: morning went for dance com at 730. ended up waiting until like almost 8 before karkin finally showed up and opened the den. then we practised. and as i sat down and thought. i realised we suck even worse than i originally thought we were. man we need practice. then went for chamber. stupid teacher pms cause people kept on coming late. and now we can't give 'traffic jam' as an excuse. what nonsense is that. at night went for rg malay drama show with fahrul, arif, rizza and nazri. as expected, harith didn't show up. the show wasn't too bad. tried to be horror, but turned out to be quite funny. and i've finally rediscovered why i hate girls screaming. man it's painful to the ears. all the more when they decided to do a cheer in the relatively enclosed area of the foyer. finally found out that syaz and sriwani are related. never would have suspected it. sunday (yesterday): nothing to say. seriously. i basically did nothing at all productive throughout the day yesterday. unless you count sitting in front of the tv half asleep as being productive. monday (today): somewhat a repeat of yesterday. but at least i got out of the house to go buy lunch. soooo productive. maybe i'll go for a run later. ____________________________________________________________________ the years are are slipping by. i lose count of them. but one thing dominates my thoughts. it repeats itself, in a continous chant, a neverending litany. it gives me strength at times, yet it can also be my greatest weakness i am alone. i am alone. i am alone. i am alone. i am alone.....
AizaT 15*02*1989 (go figure my age) ACS (I) 4.16 Enoch in '05 5.4 Numbers (Staplets?) in '06 Venture Scout Break dancer in training Plays Hockey Plays Football Plays the Cello Wants to learn Violin Wants to learn Flute/Clarinet Tagboard Credits St!x |